I have always felt that healing is the highest paradigm human beings can aspire to and that awakening itself is only another subset of healing, seeing the astounding oneness that we live in that is filled with multitudes. Early in my spiritual training, I was drawn to teachers like Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharishi, both of whom understood that though the form is different in various religions and practices, the aim is always the same: to live a healing and compassionate life. My contribution to this ongoing project of freedom has been to create Nondual Kabbalistic Healing and its helpers, Impersonal Movement, the Work of Return and the MAGI Process. There is no linearity in these creations in the sense that one is “better” or “higher up on the mountainside.” Instead, just as we have many meditations in NKH, each for a specific purpose, each discipline serves as a bridge to explore new territory in the ongoing realization of the totality of our being and a life of service. Such is Nondual Shamanism, a work that adds yet another point of view, a brotherly and sisterly point of view, to the panoply of work that comprises A Society of Souls. We are blessed that we now have so many paths up the mountain or down into the valley of the real.
About Nondual Shamanism™
“The work of the Nondual Shaman™ completes the healing path that I started with Nondual Kabbalistic Healing and brings it to fruition as a way of life and service. This work—in a different form—was how I started my journey as a healer. My process of creation has always been very personal. My instinct and passion have always led me to continue growing and exploring the universe through my body, mind and spirit. At this point, it has become very important for me to pass on what I have discovered.”